Power Lines Overdrive / Distortion

Power Lines Overdrive / Distortion

CHF 165.00

The Power Lines Overdrive / Distortion is a low gain (asymmetrical) soft clipping distortion pedal that produces classic rock tones reminiscent of overdriven 70s tube amps. The goal with this pedal was to create a simple compact distortion / overdrive that would work for as many different genres of music as possible, that wasn't just another Big Muff or TS 9 or Fuzz Face with modifications. From dark and muffled to light and bright and sparkly, this device produces a range of classic distortion and overdrive sounds.

The three simple controls (distortion, tone, and volume) allow you to go from bright jangly tones at lower settings all the way to heavier, fuzzier darker sounds with the distortion control turned all the way to the right.

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Guitar: Fender Jazzmaster

Amplifier: Fender Hot Rod Deluxe Low Gain Input

Clean Amp followed by Power Lines Distortion/Overdrive effect

Power Lines Distortion / Overdrive Manual